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PZC Minutes 06-14-2011
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Patrick Kennedy, David Sorenson, William Carroll, Elizabeth Kuehnel and Viney Wilson
ALTERNATES PRESENT:      Frank Bonzani, Gary Pitcock
STAFF PRESENT:          Michele Lipe, Town Planner

Appl. 11-16P, Old Dominion Site Plan – request for site plan modification for a 13,225 sf truck dock addition and other improvements on property located at 150 Strong Road, I zone
Appl. 11-17P, Carla’s Pasta – request for s site plan modification to install a fuel cell and associated outdoor equipment on property located at 50 Talbot Lane, I zone
Appl. 11-18P, Town of South Windsor – request for site plan modification to add covered batting cages on property located at 138 Ayers Road, A-20 zone
Appl. 11-19P, William Mangino- request for a renewal of the two-year temporary and conditional permit to allow two apartments on property located at 272 Pierce Road, RR zone
Carol Mitrick had concerns with a proposed group home currently being proposed for 9 Clifford Drive.
Kennedy went over the State Statute pertaining to group homes and mentioned that there is no local zoning approval needed.
Lipe mentioned that residents could contact the State Department of Development Services with specific questions related to the requirements for group homes.  
Jon Chuch and Noah Hebbe came before the commission to discuss a proposal for a potential group home in a home on Main Street for the elderly.  
Kennedy suggested that they get on the PZC agenda to come before the commission for a preliminary discussion. They should contact the town planner to discuss it further.  Kennedy advised them to bring enough information so that the Commission could give better feedback.
Lipe recommended that they if they had a draft a text amendment that the commission could review prior to the informal discussion.  
Kennedy asked if there was any more public participation on items that are not on the agenda.
Carol Mitrick asked about building permits that would be required if the group home was approved on Clifford Drive.  She also had concern about septic systems and asked who would inspect this in the future.

Kennedy responded that it would be treated as a single family home and the proper permits would have to be pulled accordingly.  Regarding the septic system, the health department would oversee it.
Lipe mentioned that the house could be hooked up to the sewers.  If they remain on septic they would have to verify through the Town Sanitarian if they have an adequate septic system to handle the number of bed rooms.
  • Appl.11-10P, S.W. CT Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Inc. – request for a site plan modification for minor site improvements including addition of a canopy,  24 space parking lot and one acre solar field, on property located at 640 Burnham Street, RR and RR-O zone
Eric Jacobsen, Jacobsen Design and Consulting, presented the application.  He stated the application is being modified, originally the applicant wanted to expand the parking to add 24 spaces of gravel area.  The additional parking is no longer a part of this application.  
The applicant is prosing to install a canopy to accommodate the drop off of handicap people.  The applicant is also proposing to install a geo thermal field and a solar panel field to the west of the existing parking area.  The geo thermal field involves about 40 trenches about 6 ft deep.   The IWA/CC is requiring the applicant to install a silt fence to keep run off from going into the wetlands area.  Some trees will have to be removed from the wetlands area in order for light to hit the solar panels.  This will create a more efficient green building.  Currently there are two lots, one lot is about 3 acres and the adjoining lot is about 10 acres, they will combine the two lots to create a 13 acre lot.  The property has substantial number of pine trees that will serve as a buffer all year round.  
Anthony Ferraro, Engineer mentioned that the congregation is excited about this project.  The panels will generate power and save on energy cost.  
Lipe gave a planning report as follows.
Request for site plan approval for adding a solar field for the church located at 60 Burnham Street, RR-O zone. The applicant is combining two existing lots creating a site that is 13+ acres. Maximum impervious coverage allowed is 50%; 10.4+% is proposed.
Proposed improvements include adding a canopy along the easterly side of the building and a by pass lane. On the westerly side of the building, the applicant is proposing to add a geothermal field as well as a solar field.  These improvements will take place approx. 90 feet from the roadway and will involve the removal of an existing wooded area.  The plan clearly delineates the limit of clearing to take place.
There are regulated wetlands on the site, and the applicant received IWA/CC approval on 5/4/11.  The Commission is recommending a bond in the amount of $2,000.00 for erosion and sedimentation control.
If this application is approved, there are no planning department modifications requested.

Commissioners had questions as follows.
Commissioners asked about the removal of trees.
Lipe responded that the plan shows a new tree clearing line and some trees have to be removed so that the sun can get to the solar fields.  
Sorenson made a motion to approve the above mentioned application with the following conditions.
Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission, including bonds in the amount of $2,000.
All bonds must be in one of the forms described in the enclosed Bond Policy.
All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
Engineering comments dated 6/14/11 must be addressed to the Town Engineer’s satisfaction.
Wilson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.
  • Appl.11-18P, Town of South Windsor – request for site plan modification to add covered batting cages on property located at 138 Ayers Road, A-20 zone
Bonzani recused himself from the application.
Ray Favreau, Director of Parks and Recreation, presented the application.  The little league is proposing to install a building to house batting cages that will be located adjacent to the existing batting cages.  The covered batting cages will accommodate around 700 youngsters every season.  The primary reason for adding the covered cages is so that they can be used during inclement weather when the field may not be available.  It will be painted.  There are no plantings proposed to avoid maintenance or obstruction to the structure. The structure is designed to have sky lights and to use natural sun light that could potentially be blocked if trees are planted.  The ends will be open for ventilation.  It will be secured with a chain linked fence when not being used.  The sides of the building will have stones for rain run off and their will be a 10 ft distance between the existing batting cages and the new covered batting cages.  The applicant has received the approval from ADRC.  
Lipe had a planning report as follows.
Request for site plan modification for a 25’ x 50’ batting/pitching facility at the Little League fields at Ayers Road, A-20 zone.
Architectural and Design Review Committee reviewed this application on May 21. While they were not excited about the metal building, they acknowledged that it is a utilitarian building for a utilitarian use.
The ADRC had the following recommendations:
  • the facility should be painted with some neutral color such as tan or beige;
  • additional landscaping should be coordinated between Sup’t of Parks and the Town Planner;
  • the applicant should explore some way to secure the facility in the off-season.
4.      There is no new lighting shown proposed with this project.
If this application is approved, the Planning Dept has no requested approval modifications.

There was public participation as follows.
Joe Candelas, resident who lives on Nevers Road across from the park, has concerns with the location of the facility and the size of the structure.  He is also concerned with lights and the sound of an automatic pitching machine.  He mentioned that a previous approval required the lights in the ball field to be turned off by 9:30 p.m. and that the lights sometimes stay on till 10:30 pm, and sometimes later.  He had concerns with the speaker system and that it is too loud, also the fence has come down along Nevers Road in the parking area. He asked for the fence to be replaced because cars park everywhere which creates an eye sour and a safety hazard when they are exiting the park
Lipe mentioned that she will work with Favreau on making sure the lights are off.  It’s a PZC approval condition and can be enforced if necessary.
Favreau said he would look into it.
John Caldwell, from Sup’t of Parks and Grounds mentioned that the fence kept getting knocked over so it was eventually removed.
Commissioners had comments as follows.
Commissioners ask about the lighting and the chain linked fence.  
Lipe mentioned that there is no new lighting proposed with this facility.
Favreau mentioned that cages will be open on both ends and the chain linked fence material will be installed at the open end of the gate so it can be secured when is not being used.
Wilson made a motion to approve the above mentioned application with the following conditions.  
  • Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
  • All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
  • Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
  • All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
Kuehnel seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
  • Appl.11-03P, Medical Office Building (Kelley Property) –Change order request for architectural changes to the approved site plan to construct a 15, 870 sf two- story medical office building on property located at 1559 Sullivan Ave and 29 Community Road
Pat Gorman, LRC Group, presented the site changes which include the shape of the building and the total square footage increased by 180 sq ft requiring one more parking space.  A patient drop off and a covered canopy is also proposed.  The plans have been slightly modified to reflect the removal of the 2 parking spaces in the northeast corner of the site to make the circulation around the site more operational.  
Tanya Cotolla, Design Architect with OR & L went over the architectural design and presented samples boards of the different materials and colors being considered.  The brick being proposed will be much larger that a typical brick with a textured feel and earth tone colors.  She presented a computer-aided walk around the site showing the design and the landscaping from all angles.  
Karen Govette, Vice President of Strategic Planning Harford Hospital addressed the Commission and how the proposed architectural came about. She indicted that Hartford Hospital has been working on developing a new “brand” and their studies indicate the consumer is looking for a high quality facility and with the latest technology.  The hospital feels this building reflects this.  This will be the new first building of this type in the region with this type of look.  They recently received approval in Simsbury for the rehabilitation of an existing building.  An elevation of that project was presented for the Commission to review.
Lipe reported that the ADRC had reviewed the architectural plans on June 9, 2011 with only two of its members present.  They did not feel that this look would fit in with the Town Center and the colonial look that is already exists and had concerns that it would not fit with surrounding properties.  
Karen Govette, mentioned that Hartford Hospital is trying to achieve a high quality look.  
John Caldwell, resident mentioned that the town hall and the library buildings have a modern look and ECHN is down the street.  He feels that design matches the surroundings and likes the design.
The Commission discussed the site and architectural changes.
Some commissioners mentioned that they liked the colors and the design while others had concern that the building was a prototype building and not what is supported by the regulations.
Pat Gorman, engineer for the project, mentioned that he did not consider this a prototype building. This represents a higher quality look that the hospital is trying to achieve with all of its new buildings.
Sorenson moved to deny the change order for the architectural changes and minor modifications.  Kuehnel seconded the motion.  The motion failed 2 to 5.  Commissioners Sorenson and Kennedy voted in favor of the motion and Commissioners Wilson, Kehnel, Bonzani, Carrol and Pitcock voted against the motion.
Bonzani made a motion to approve the change order for the architectural changes and minor modifications.  Wilson seconded the motion.  The motion passed 5 to 2 with Commissioners Wilson, Kehnel, Bonzani, Carrol and Pitcock voting for the motion. Commissioners Kennedy and Sorenson voted against.  

Wilson made a motion to release the following bonds.  Kuehnel seconded the motion the motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
APPLICATION                             AMOUNT  REDUCTION       BALANCE
05-03P, Teaberry Estates                        $ 5,000 $ 5,000               -0-
Landscaping Bond
APPLICATION                             AMOUNT  REDUCTION       BALANCE
06-18P, Teaberry Estates – Buffer               $ 50,000        $ 50,000                      -0-
05-03P, Teaberry Estates                        $ 5,000 $ 5,000               -0-
07-61P, Hillcrest Apts.                 $ 2,000 $ 2,000               -0-
09-08P, Smith’s Corner SRD                      $ 5,000 $ 5,000               -0-
The May 10, 2011 minutes were adopted by consensus with minor corrections.  

Sorenson made a motion to adjourn the meeting Kuehnel seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

The meeting ended at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted:

D. Maria Acevedo
Recording Secretary